Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Favorites - 2/5/10

Jen's Favorites:

This makes me insanely happy.

3rd dress. Awesome.

Teal freaking tights, and they look so natural on her. Love.

I could never pull this off, but I love that Katy can.

The way she describes "all the bits that make a lady a lady, wiggle and jiggle" makes me very very happy.

Am inspired to try new tights. Also, to be a freaking cutie.

Kate's Favorites:

I LOVE how Diana combines teal with a bright, springy green in this outfit! I never would've thought to combine the two colors.

Another awesome daily outfit, this one by Chelsea. I adore that full skirt!

Great discussion of "how casual is too casual? (and who gets to decide?)" over on the Fashion Police. Made me nostalgic for my pyjamas-in-public days in high school, I must confess.

I think I'm (for once) the Rational one. :-D


Diana said...

Thanks for the mention!

Chelsea said...

awww thanks for linking to my outfit!

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