Saturday, February 20, 2010

Daily Outfit*S* - Kate - 2/20/10

Yes, outfitS. Because now apparently I'm one of those people who's so fancy that I can't just have one outfit for the day, oh no - I must change before high tea with the queen!

Actually, I could more appropriately replace that last clause with "...I picked out one outfit based upon a set of plans which ended up changing, so I switched to something more practical instead." But that's not as much fun, is it?

FIRST OF ALL, I want to say - yay for the end of Scarf Week! I can't believe I actually survived a whole week without wearing one stinkin' scarf. Hardest week of my life, probably. Of course, I had to celebrate its end in appropriate fashion:

Bitches, I WILL wear 14 scarves if I want to. And I will like it. And YOU will like it.


'K here's what I was really planning on leaving the house in:

Basic, right? And easy. And comfy.

Roxie liked it, too:

She's my happycutelovepuppy.

I'm not sure of the name for this scarf tie (if it even has a name), but I essentially just folded a square scarf in half, wrapped it on bandanna style then instead of letting the ends hang I tied them in front of the center section.

New earrings I bought from Mom's Etsy shop, too:

So that was the plan. Then I actually ended up leaving the house in this:

Blurry Roxietail is optional.

That was a good decision, as it was much more practical for our adventure - a short hike in a local state park - than the dress + studded boots combo would've been. :-)

First outfit:
Dress: Target, Converse
Scarf: Target, Mossimo (just bought it last week!)
Tights: Target (ugh)
Boots: 704b, via DSW
Earrings: Accidental Artists (Etsy link)

Second outfit:
Jeans: Lev's 518's
Tee: GAP outlet
Jacket: LLBean, fall 2008
Boots: Ariat, via Zappos
Earrings and Scarf: same as above


Jen said...

All I want in life is to look at the 14 scarf picture all freaking day.

Change in View said...

There is no link to


But thanks anyway.

Diana said...

That scarf picture is hilarious!

I love your shirt-dress.

Unknown said...

I love this post. I am on a scarf kick right now. In the past month, I've bought 3 for myself and one for my sister's birthday. I like to tie them the same way that you tied this one!
Your second outfit is much more weekend-ish. But both look great.
I love your writing style too!

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger