Monday, February 22, 2010

Daily Outfit - Kate - 2/22/10

This wasn't my most creative outfit ever, I admit, but I enjoyed it. It was comfy and cute and had a bit of visual interest so that's good enough for me, for a Monday :-)

Weaker mortals are still wearing heavy coats in this weather, but I was dying to bust out my new trench so I decided today was as good a day as any. And then I went to the grocery store a few blocks from my work this afternoon and didn't even bother with a coat. Hey, it was 38*. I was in no danger of freezing.

Anywhoo, under the coat:

Fuck it. I took the rant down. But suffice to say I hate how unphotogenic I am. Rant is gone.

Well there goes my mood. Dammit. Sorry to be Miss Negativity tonight.

Anyway. Tights and jewelry:

Trench: Target, Spring 2010
Scarf: Filene's Basement
Skirt: thrifted, originally Old Navy
Cowlneck top: Target, 2008
Cardigan: Target, winter 2009
Belt: Target (ugghghhghg so much Target) 2009
Tights: F21
Shoes: Naturalizer
Bracelet: Tiffany & Co., gift
Earrings: Mom-made


Jen said...

Um, excuse me! Please stop shit-talking my friend! THANKS!

You are a cutie, and you look like a cutie in your pictures. It's not us; it's our non-photographer boys.

I love your tights.

Anonymous said...

Great tights, an unusual colour and unusual print in one = win!

Kirsten @ BarkingDogShoes said...

Darling outfit. I love how you paired those gorgeous Naturalizer heeled oxfords with the patterned tights. Score.

Barking Dog Shoes said...

Oh! That shoe is on sale for $39.99!

Chelsea said...

those shoes are gorgeous! I looove them especially with those AWESOME tights! okay this outfit rocks, and you look fabulous (and I'm heading over to to see about that fabulous trench coat!).

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger