Thursday, February 18, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 2/18/10

Aaaannnd I'm back! This is the first time that I've ever worn this dress. Truth be told, I have always been intimidated by it.

My friend, Sylvia, has the best style and this was a birthday gift she mailed to me. My birthday was in September, people. I have had this dress for some time, just hanging out in my closet, shooting the shit with my sweaters and shoes. After yesterday, I thought to myself that IT IS TIME TO BRANCH OUT, so I put this on and felt feminine and fancy all day.

Dress: Gift
Tights: HUE via Nordstrom Rack
Flats: Tory Burch via Nordstrom


Kate said...

I LOVE that dress! Wow - such a great print!!!

You know what? I bet it would also look super cute with a wide belt worn over, too. (of course, that's my idea for everything - put a wide belt over it! :-P)

Jen said...

That would be cute! It's hard to tell because of the print, but I actually have a bow tied in front :)

Leah said...


Alissa said...

Really cute. I'm afraid of patterns, so I'd would've been apphrensive too. But, I love that you paired the black tights with it.

I also think for spring it'd look cute with a pair of knee high casual brown boots.

Diana said...

This dress looks gorgeous on you! I love the print.

Jen said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger