Thursday, February 4, 2010

Daily Outfit - Kate - 2-3-10

2 in a row, now. That is, this is my second day in a row feeling good about my outfit. We'll have to see how long I can keep up the momentum :-)

This was my second time EVER wearing that white button-down (the first time being - what else? - a job interview about two years ago) and I really need to get it into my wardrobe rotation - I'd forgotten how perfect the fit is, and it's pretty much the essence of a neutral, eh?

Top: Nine West, via Macy's
Skirt: thrifed, George
Tights: Target
Belt: Target
Shoes: Naturalizer
Bracelet: sooo old; don't remember
Necklace: Mom-made; stamped charm from Urban Arts + Crafts
Earrings: Gift shop in a barn in Iowa, circa 1999


Diana said...

I always struggle with button-downs, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that none of mine fit me. One of my current shopping goals is finding some good button-downs that I actually like wearing.

Alissa said...

I'm going to drool over the shoes.

Chelsea said...

love this outfit, and especially those awesome shoes! the belt and accessories totally spice up the white button down :)

Jen said...

I love you in belts!

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger