Friday, February 26, 2010

Daily Outfit - Kate - 2/26/10


I am SO over this week. Hence the "I am SO over this week" face above.

I wasn't feeling very creative today, so I just took my pretty new silk scarf and paired it with a bunch of colors found within the scarf. Jeans for casual Friday. I like it, even though I felt a bit matchy-matchy.

See all da purdy colors?

Scarf: Target
Tee: GAP Outlet
Cardigan: Old Navy ($3 on clearance, bought by Mom :-))
Jeans: Levi's 518's
Shoes: Born Codder
Socks (zomg you can see them!) handknitted by moi
Earrings: mommmmmmmmmmm


Jen said...

Excuse me! Hello! I love this!

Alissa said...

What are these pants things your wearing?!?! j/k

I think it's cute...

Kate said...

Alissa - I know, my legs felt sad and lonely all day. They missed each other.

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger