Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 2/16/10

Daaang, this was not what I'd planned to wear today. I had an outfit - a NON-JEANS outfit, no less - planned out, and when I put my top on, I found that the wrist was ripped! Sad day. So I scrambled and threw this together. (Hi, Broughton!)

I have no idea how this necklace came into my possession. It is THAT old. It originally had a (fake) gold bohemian leaf pendant thing, but I removed it this morning because I think it makes the necklace more versatile. I was even complimented on it, today!

These squeaked with every frikkin frakkin step, but they are orange, so it's okay.

Cardigan: Target
Top: Old Navy (clearance!)
Necklace: magic!
Jeans: Nordstrom
Flats: Sam Edelman via Nordstrom Rack


Diana said...

That necklace is beautiful, and I love the orange shoes!

Healthy and Homemade said...

Love the orange shoes!!

K said...

I relly like the combination of colors here!

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger