Monday, February 15, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 2/15/10

I would like to introduce you to Broughton's butt and Jarod's shoe. Try as they may, I will NOT let either upstage the cuteness that is my outfit.

I won't lie. The cuteness came at a price. I was extremely cold, today. I honestly had at least 4 cups of tea at work to stay warm (and maybe possibly pass the time). When I got home, I noticed a cut on my toe and it was bleeding like crazy. My toes were so cold that I could not feel the pain, people. I can't figure out how I cut it. Why should you care? You shouldn't. Ignore me.

I am actually pretty shocked at how horribly I tied this bow. Contrary to what this photograph illustrates, I can tie a bow like nobody's business. Someday, I will show you, and you will think OH MY GOD HOW DOES SHE DO IT SHE'S LIKE A GODDESS OR SOMETHING.

And I painted my nails for this week! It was all for you. The color is Sally Hansen's Raisin the Bar. OH. And I will have you know that I very awkwardly took this picture with my left hand, though I am right-handed. Like I said, all for you. (Also, I fucked* up the polish on my left hand.)

Cardigan: Newport News
Blouse: Banana Republic
Jeans: Nordstrom Rack
Flats: Tory Burch via Nordstrom

* Kate and I totally did not discuss dropping f-bombs on here. But considering the language we use in everyday life, I'm sure it will be okay. Are you okay? IT WILL BE OKAY.


Alissa said...

I'm cold. It's like 8 degrees here today. I don't have a warm enough sweater on today and only horrible peppermint tea.

However, I do love your blue shirt. Reminds me of the oceany blue waters where it's WARM!

Kate said...

My ears! My innocence!

Umm...WTF. I love that you link to my f-bomb filled blog, too :-P

BTW? I LOVE that nail color. Like I want to buy a bazillion bottles and paint a room or something.

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger