Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 1/19/10

Back to jeans! At least I'm not in my Uggs that I've been wearing everyday for probably the past 3 weeks. I feel gross having just written that - really? 3 weeks?! UGG.

One thing that you will quickly learn is that I have an affinity for cardigans and layering. I may not "know" fashion, but I know what makes me feel comfortable and confident. After all, isn't that the crux of being fashionable? RIGHT.

I used to be staunchly anti-Old Navy. Even now, there are some things I refuse to purchase from them, like denim. My ass is not saggy, and I don't want my jeans to give the illusion that it is, ya dig? Anyway. I will never pay full price for anything at Old Navy, so periodically, I shop online and purchase tons of stuff on clearance. I'm pretty sure this top was something like $7. Almost everything I buy is solids (yay, layers!), so it's a treat (is it?) to see me in a pattern. Hip. Hip? Hooray.

I generally will wear the same pair of shoes until they die, but not with these cutie Campers. I must not tell lies. They hurt like a bitch.

Cardigan: gift from my sister
Top: Old Navy
Jeans: Nordstrom Rack
Shoes: Camper via Nordstrom

1 comment:

Kate said...

OK I am in LOVE with those shoes! I'm so sorry to hear that they're uncomfortable, because they're just so adorable.

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger