Friday, April 30, 2010

Daily Outfit - Kate - 4/29/10

OMG, y'all. OMG.

Wednesday night I went to TJMaxx for some black flats, and I left with a skirt, an apron, and three awesome throw pillows.

I'd dragged a bunch of items into the fitting room, and was disappointed in each - too short, too big, to long, too small. You know how it goes. Then, of course, the last thing I tried on was The Skirt. And I was immediately smitten. <3!

I love this thing! It's my first full-length skirt since, like, 9th grade (except for my wedding dress, I guess, which was *definitely* after 9th grade :-P). And I love how drapey the cotton fabric is, and the interesting texture detail, and how it sort of tickles my ankles as I walk. I love the color and the slightly flared shape.

I love - feel free to laugh at me - it's Talbot's.

Yup, I've done it again.

So twirly!

Also, I think it makes me look much leaner in real life than in photos. Just in case you were wondering.

Skirt: Talbot's, via TJMaxx
Tee: GAP
Cardigan: Target
Earrings and Necklace: Mumsie!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love you in this skirt!

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger