Monday, October 18, 2010

Dear Kate

Busy weekend! Aren't weekends for relaxing? The most relaxing thing I did all weekend was go for a hike. Crazy.

Can I just say how happy I am that Texas has transitioned from 100* weather to high 80s weather? I AM HAPPY THAT TEXAS HAS TRANSITIONED FROM 100* WEATHER TO HIGH 80S WEATHER.

I'm feeling the itch to do one of my Old Navy sale splurges. On at least 3 different occasions, I've added a gazillion items to my (online) shopping cart and never checked out. I've come a long way and now I not only want to see/feel what I'm buying, but I also want to know how it will fit into my wardrobe. I'll probably repeat this fake virtual shopping trip again right after I post this entry.

In other news, I want new black heels.

How are you!


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