Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Daily Outfit - Kate - 1/10/11

I had an extra bounce in my step yesterday, because not only was I wearing my new LLBean dress...

But I was ALSO wearing new handknitted knee socks!

Here's a blurry, yellow, non-yesterday picture of 'em:

I LOVED this outfit! So happy and perfect and LLBean-y and handknit-y and Mom's-jewelry-y. What's not to love?

Dress: LLBean
Boots: LLBean
Socks: handknit by meee! (Pattern is "Lakeside")
Earrings: mum!
Necklace: mum!


Anonymous said...

I love these socks! Do you ever sell any of your work?

Jen said...

Handknitted knee socks - love, love, love!

Diana said...

I love your socks!!!

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger