To me, acrylic just doesn't breathe. It pills up really quickly and looks ragged and just doesn't feel nice against my skin.
But have you ever tried to buy a wool sweater with this much drape and yardage? For how much it costs, I may as well spend the same $$ on yarn, knit my own and get some fun out of it, too, right? :-P
But all that aside, I did like yesterday's outfit. The color palette really worked for me: a bright primary (the tights), a bright secondary (the sweater), and a muted secondary (the tank), along with neutral browns. I doubt that's a formula you'd find in any color guidelines, but I liked it :-)
Sweater: somewhere in Chicago, 2/2010
Tank: Target
Skirt: Sears, circa 2008
Maryjanes: no clue
Tights: F21
Earrings: Mom
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