I failed. It's green now, instead of yellow. This is not much of an improvement, merely a difference.
I think the best way to not have sucky photos is to not *take* sucky photos.
And how do I avoid taking sucky photos?
DON'T TAKE THEM AT 8:00PM. Duh. (Or, actually take my fancy camera off no-flash-auto once in a while)
Also, remember this outfit - because later, we shall be playing a little game called "what could have been". Brace yourselves.
Tee: Old Navy
Scarf: somewhere in Chicago
Skirt: thrifted
Tights: American Eagle, via Marshall's
Shoes: Naturalizer (a lady complimented me on them when I went to vote last night :-))
Earrings: mum
You have a D40/D60 right? Turn your white balance to "incandescent" (sp?). That'll make your camera give more blue, which will cancel out the yellow/orange. (I'm assuming your using regular living room light bulbs). See if that helps any.
Green hue aside, I absolutely adore this outfit. :)
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