So anyway...
All things considered, I really reined myself in pretty well. I wasn't even tempted to go into the "mall shops" on Michigan Ave. because, well, I can find everything there in my local mall. Time was limited, y'know? That said, I LOVE the 4-story GAP and if I'd had more time I definitely would've popped in. I also tried to stick to the loosely-set goals I set in my letter to Jen. We'll see how well I did...
What you see there are (in case you can't tell) bags from Loopy Yarns (knitterly goodness :-)), Filene's Basement, Nordstrom Rack, and Macy's (aka Marshall Field's ::grumblegrumble::).
I found that the Filene's on State had a lot better selection than the one on Michigan; interesting since it was a smaller store. I got...
A super-cute (brightly colored!) scarf, $14.99 - 25% off:
Purple and black tights, for super cheap. (Yes not the most exciting purchase ever but I'm being thorough :-P) $9.99/2 pr:
Flowy cardi (some brand I'd never heard of and can't remember, and for $19.99 I don't care :-P):
I can't wait to wear it belted! And open! And with jeans! And my pencil skirt! <3 :-)
Calvin Klein, cute cotton work shirt (LOVE the print!), clearane for $14:
Nordstrom Rack, where I came thisclose to buying a super cute pair of multicolored maryjanes, but they were a 37 and I really need a 36 so I left them behind to be someone else's treasure. But I didn't go completely emptyhanded:
BCBG casual dress; will be perfect with cowboy boots (either pair :-D) and bold accessories:
Another brand I can't remember (wasn't anything spectacular). I LOVE this shirt because of the fun girly details, AND it's perfectly fitted in both the waist and bust. Y'all know how rare that is :-)
Also that's like my 4th plaid shirt. I really like them, apparently.
For lunch on Sunday we went to the food court thingy in Macy's/Marshall Field's. And I was NOT going to shop (see rant about "mall stores" above). But then Jeff was in line for Starbucks and that's right by the shoe clearance racks and then I wandered off and you know that never goes well...
Nine West patent leather shoeties! $28! YESsssssssssssssssss!!! Definitely the score of the weekend :-) I can't wait to wear them with, like, everything. EVERYTHING.
All in all, I think I did a pretty good job sticking to my goals. And I also didn't spend that much money - <$100 altogether. Now where's that self-restraint when I need it? :-P
These are some fantastic finds! Looks like you got some great deals.
I love the BCBG dress. Good job!
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