Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dear Kate,

This whole setting goals thing is serious business! Can you believe I haven't worn Uggs to work? I feel like... like a brand new person. You know, like a normal one. We're only 6 days into February, and the truth is, I don't even want to wear them, anymore. I guess it's true what they say: once you make it past the first week, it's easy peasy to kick a bad habit.

Now that I'm trying to branch out, I've been making an effort to really try and learn a thing or two about the way people are dressing. You, for example! Did you know that you accessorize like a pro? Bracelets, earrings, belts - you name it, you've tried it. I am seriously inspired by you. I've always sort of brushed off accessories as "not my style," but what in the world kind of attitude is that? After all, isn't this supposed to be about playing with our clothes (and shoes! and jewelry! oh my!) and having a great time?

I want to have a great time. LIKE A MUG.

C U L8R,

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fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger