Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Spoils: Martin + Osa

I don't know how or why I found myself at a website I'd never visited before, but the other day I happened upon Martin + Osa. Amazingly, I'd stumbled across their website on the final day of their 20% off sale and free shipping offer (score!). So, I took a gamble, having only ever walked by their store, and ordered some goodies.

I looooooooove online order deliveries. Makes a bad day good and a good day even better.

Impressed! Martin + Osa's packaging is a far cry from my Old Navy clearance orders. ON THE REALS.


Dearies, please always remember to buy something (like this Classic V-Neck Sweater in Yellow Ochre) for your significant other when you shop online. It's only polite (and smart to cover your ass for spending the moniessss).


Kate said...

Cuteness! I'd never heard of them before either, but now I'm intrigued.

Alissa said...

Hahahaha. I always buy something for the man to justify the spending. :)

molliehanna said...

Hi Jen, thanks for trying M+O out! We love to see this kind of discovery and enjoyment of our brand. Let us know if you try anything else... not sure you've heard, but our denim's where it's at!

Mollie Lang, Online Marketing Manager - Martin + Osa

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger