I was going for a "put together but not at all matchy-matchy" vibe, and I think it worked. In a past life I would've worn a red or brown tee under this cardi, but now that I'm such a wild and crazy (:-P) girl I wore teal! WHOAaaa....
And look! A (blurry) picture where I don't look like a total dork:
This is more like how I look in real life. Dimple, pointy chin, gap in the teeth...yup.
As I blog this and think about the outfit's origins, I think I'm realizing why I like it so much - most of the pieces have a story or a unique origin, and they all make me feel good :-)
Skirt: Levi's, on clearance at Goody's (Kirksville dept store) in 2006ish
Tee: garage sale for a Truman fundraiser, 2005ish
Cardigan: Target, Winter 2009/2010
Scarf: Plowsharing Crafts, when Stefanie came to visit me last summer :-)
Tights: Target
Boots: LLBean
Cuff: Fair Ophelia Designs, purchased at Strange Folk last fall (link to my KateOhKatie post of the event)
Earrings: sterling silver and peridot, booth at the St. Louis Renaissance Festival, 2008
Ahhh! One of my favorites, yet! The scarf+cardigan+tee combo = love. Also, I really want flat brown riding boots.
This looks great! I can even just tell from the picture that it's comfy. It all came together so well and the teal shirt is a perfect choice.
I love that cuff bracelet!
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