Friday, February 26, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 02/26/10

I cannot articulate how freaking happy I am that it is Friday. HAPPY THAT IT IS FRIDAY.

I just realized as I uploaded these photos, that I'd left my jeans rolled up. I did not actually go to work like that. There are few things more annoying than catching your jeans on your foot with each step. Around 4 PM, I was tired of my jeans dragging on the floor, so I rolled them up. I'm kind of loving it. Happy accident. Yay!

Cardigan: H&M
Top: Nordstrom (Rack?)
Necklace: Gift
Jeans: Nordstrom Rack
Flats: Steve Madden via DSW

This is my sweet, adorable, wonderful friend, Thao. We're hanging out tonight, and she showed up in this cutie outfit (as she always does). The good sport that she is, she allowed me to play paparazzo. I wish I owned her wardrobe. She wears blazers like nobody's business. And her shoe collection. OH MY GOD. I am going to make her share it with you all in the near future, because it is delicious.

Did you drool? I bet you did.

Friday Favorites - 2/26/10

Jen's Favorites:
I hate saying "fabulous," but this really is FABULOUS.

This is how I thought I'd been dressing all along... until we started Two Closets and I had to actually photograph my clothes and face the reality that I absolutely do not dress this cute.

I want to dress like this!

This definitely does not make me feel remotely blue. Loooooving it.

Anh makes me dream of reasons to wear (er, own) a skirt.

Kate has had a terribly long and crazy week which has really cut into her blog reading time, but nonetheless here are a few awesome Favorites:

My favorite GFY post EVER.

Someday soon I WILL buy skinny jeans, and I WILL try them with heels. And hopefully I'll be able to look 1/10th as cute.

I am in love with this entire outfit, top to bottom.

Daily Outfit - Kate - 2/26/10


I am SO over this week. Hence the "I am SO over this week" face above.

I wasn't feeling very creative today, so I just took my pretty new silk scarf and paired it with a bunch of colors found within the scarf. Jeans for casual Friday. I like it, even though I felt a bit matchy-matchy.

See all da purdy colors?

Scarf: Target
Tee: GAP Outlet
Cardigan: Old Navy ($3 on clearance, bought by Mom :-))
Jeans: Levi's 518's
Shoes: Born Codder
Socks (zomg you can see them!) handknitted by moi
Earrings: mommmmmmmmmmm

Dear Kate

So the whole thrifting thing? Not bad! I don't think I'll ever be much of a clothing thrifter (I REALLY TRIED), but I am so happy with my jewelry finds! You saw and approved of the necklace I bought and that has me obsessed. I wanted to be able to show off the brooch I bought, but it didn't work with any of my outfits this week. Hell, my outfits didn't even work.

This week was challenging. I found myself in a rut, once again. I have also been thinking about what the transition to summer is going to mean for my wardrobe. Layering doesn't really work in 100* heat. Meh. I guess I don't have to give it too much thought, just yet.

I think it's clear that we all loooved the tights that you wore this week. I would love to try some brighter tights before it gets too warm, here. Even branching out - if I can even classify it as branching out - from black to brown made me nervous. Tights are out of my comfort zone, after all. Also, I am crazy.

You know what else is outside of my comfort zone? Wide belts. But, per your (repeated) request, I will wear one just for you. Soon. Promise!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Daily Outfit - Kate - 2/25/10

If I were a better outfit-maker, I'd have incorporated more purple (besides just the corduroy skirt) into this ensemble. Unfortunately, 4 days of insomnia has taken its toll on me, so let's just thank [deity] that I remembered to put a skirt on over my slip, eh?

Hey, I already said I was exhausted. So I won't apologize for the slumpy shoulders and goony expression. MY EYES ARE OPEN. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!

I love this bib-style shirt. It gives that "Oh hai, boobs!" effect for those of us who aren't naturally blessed ;-)


Shirt: Nordstrom Rack
Layering tee: Target
Skirt: GAP
Tights: Hellmart
Boots: LLBean
Belt: Target
Earrings: mamma mia

Daily Outfit - Jen - 2/25/10

Sometimes I'll read blogs where the writers give these in depth analyses of why they wore what they wore, and I just think, "Eh?"

This is how I usually approach my outfits:

"Hmm. I've had this blouse for almost two years and have only worn it once. I think I'll wear it, today."

Of course, those bloggers are worlds better dressed than I am. At least my new flats and (not) new dog are awesome.

Shrug: Nordstrom
Blouse: Banana Republic
Necklace: Gift
Jeans: Nordstrom
Flats: Steve Madden via DSW

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 2/24/10

Look, Mom! No style!

Sweater/shrug (what is the appropriate term?): Ann Taylor Loft
Sweater: Old Navy (clearance)
Necklace: Thrifted! ;)
Jeans: Nordstrom
Boots: Ancient and unknown

Daily Outfit - Kate - 2/24/10

I don't have a whole lot to say about this, actually. The dress was on clearance at Target a few months back; this is the second time I've worn it (first time was pre-blog). I rarely wear polyester but the pattern was too pretty to pass up :-)

Next time I'm gonna wear it with a cream-colored scarf, and maybe with a layered necklace in a subtle color (as inspired by academichic earlier this week).

This time, though, I tried to play up the lesser-noticed colors in the dress - the white, magenta and green are very dominant when you see this in person, so I wore it with red (scarf), orangey gold (earrings), and just a hint of green (bracelet). Those are all colors that appear in the print too, they're just not the first ones that jump out at you.

Dress: Target
Tights: Hellmart
Boots: 704b, via DSW
Bracelet: booth at Red Barn in 2007
Earrings: Mom
Scarf: Plowsharing Crafts

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Daily Outfit - Kate - 2/23/10

I'm about a billion times happier with today's pictures than with yesterdays, though it's not like I like the outfit all that much more or anything.

This was pretty basic, but I really just wanted to wear the shawl - I call this my 'Stardust Shawl' because the color reminds me of Una's dress in Stardust, and it's one of my favorites :-)

This is how I wear it when I've got my coat on:

Bandana style, with my pin clipped in front so it doesn't get squished. Then when I get to work/home/whatever, I switch it like this:

which I think is a little bit more visually interesting.

The little flower pin is one of my favorite accessories; I bought it from a friend I made at a craft fair last fall. The clip is wrapped in grosgrain ribbon so it could be used as a hair clip, but I always use mine on handknit shawls and scarves :-)

Shawl: Handknit by me. Yarn by Fearless Fibers, pattern is "Shetland Triangle" by Evelyn A. Clark
Turtleneck: Target
Skirt: thrifted
Tights: Hellmart
Boots: Born, fall/winter 2008
Earrings: MUMSIE!
Shawl pin: My Beautiful Bows (contact info available by request)

Daily Outfit - Jen - 2/23/10

I wore my Martin + Osa sweater, today. I love it woooorlds more than my very similar Loft sweater. This was so comfortable, and more importantly, WARM - because, in case you haven't heard, it snowed in Austin, today.

Being warm but not frumpy is a nice feeling, no? QUITE.

Sweater: Martin + Osa
Scarf: Gift (Gap)
Jeans: Nordstrom Rack
Boots: Aldo
Euphoric look on my face: Chocolate

A Different Kind of Accessory

It's snowing in Austin!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Daily Outfit - Kate - 2/22/10

This wasn't my most creative outfit ever, I admit, but I enjoyed it. It was comfy and cute and had a bit of visual interest so that's good enough for me, for a Monday :-)

Weaker mortals are still wearing heavy coats in this weather, but I was dying to bust out my new trench so I decided today was as good a day as any. And then I went to the grocery store a few blocks from my work this afternoon and didn't even bother with a coat. Hey, it was 38*. I was in no danger of freezing.

Anywhoo, under the coat:

Fuck it. I took the rant down. But suffice to say I hate how unphotogenic I am. Rant is gone.

Well there goes my mood. Dammit. Sorry to be Miss Negativity tonight.

Anyway. Tights and jewelry:

Trench: Target, Spring 2010
Scarf: Filene's Basement
Skirt: thrifted, originally Old Navy
Cowlneck top: Target, 2008
Cardigan: Target, winter 2009
Belt: Target (ugghghhghg so much Target) 2009
Tights: F21
Shoes: Naturalizer
Bracelet: Tiffany & Co., gift
Earrings: Mom-made

Daily Outfit - Jen - 2/22/10

This weekend was THE weekend. The weekend that I ventured outside of my comfort zone. The weekend that I visited no less than 98273498723 stores and tried my hand at thrifting.

I combed through racks and racks of pre-owned clothes and questionable selections of jewelry. I shopped for 4 hours, people. FOUR HOURS. Things were looking grim. My pinky toes were blistering, I was getting the shakes from a very serious and official case of excessive energy expenditure, and I'd purchased absolutely nothing.

Thankfully, my friend (Thao! Love!) accompanied me to not only make sure I would survive, but to also ensure that I bought something. A promise is a promise! Because the truth is, I am not a shopper. I don't particularly enjoy it. Online shopping is more of my thingity thang.

Anyway, a couple of times I came thisclose to buying something just to get it over with - to say "I thrifted! Get off of my back!" But even in this stone cold heart of mine, I knew that I had to keep searching, and eventually I found THE ONE.

Our eyes met. We blushed. And then I threw caution to the wind and proclaimed, "I WILL HAVE YOU."

$14.50 later, I did.

Necklace: New Bohemia
Cardigan: Martin + Osa
Cami: Old Navy (clearance)
Top: Old Navy (clearance)
Jeans: Nordstrom
Boots: Aldo

Daily Outfit - Jen - 2/20/10

WELL. I don't usually blog my weekend outfits, but I mistakingly thought I was hot shit on Saturday with my new hat, so I decided to make an exception. Except that you can't even tell that I'm wearing a freaking hat.

I tried, guys. I tried.

Please note two things: 1) it almost looks like I have cleavage WHAT and 2) this necklace was purchased circa 2007 in NYC.

Hat: Target
Shrug (cardigan?): Nordstrom Rack
Top: Old Navy (clearance!)
Jeans: Nordstrom Rack
Flats: Tory Burch via Nordstrom
Necklace: Ancient and unknown

Dear Jen

OMG JEN. Can you believe I actually survived a whole week SCARF-LESS?!? Me neither. It was rough, I'm not gonna lie.

I'm so excited that you went thrifting, and I can't wait to see what you came up with! Isn't the "thrill of the hunt" just exhilarating? I hope you've been converted to the dark side :-D

I LOVE your idea. Wow. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Cannot wait to try it! I think we should have some terms though. As in like, "nothing overtly ugly." Because I'm not talented enough to take, like, a pair of cracked hip waders and make them look chic. And I'd want to spare you the pain, too. What other parameters should we have? I'm already brainstorming ideas for you... (and searching Craigslist for cracked hip waders...:-P)

I loved those new flats that you posted on our Twitter. SO freaking cute. I have this new philosophy, that everyone has a shoe type soulmate. I'm pretty sure mine is boots. And I'm pretty sure yours is flats. Embrace it! :-)

(PS - I suck at posting on weekends, apparently.)


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Daily Outfit*S* - Kate - 2/20/10

Yes, outfitS. Because now apparently I'm one of those people who's so fancy that I can't just have one outfit for the day, oh no - I must change before high tea with the queen!

Actually, I could more appropriately replace that last clause with "...I picked out one outfit based upon a set of plans which ended up changing, so I switched to something more practical instead." But that's not as much fun, is it?

FIRST OF ALL, I want to say - yay for the end of Scarf Week! I can't believe I actually survived a whole week without wearing one stinkin' scarf. Hardest week of my life, probably. Of course, I had to celebrate its end in appropriate fashion:

Bitches, I WILL wear 14 scarves if I want to. And I will like it. And YOU will like it.


'K here's what I was really planning on leaving the house in:

Basic, right? And easy. And comfy.

Roxie liked it, too:

She's my happycutelovepuppy.

I'm not sure of the name for this scarf tie (if it even has a name), but I essentially just folded a square scarf in half, wrapped it on bandanna style then instead of letting the ends hang I tied them in front of the center section.

New earrings I bought from Mom's Etsy shop, too:

So that was the plan. Then I actually ended up leaving the house in this:

Blurry Roxietail is optional.

That was a good decision, as it was much more practical for our adventure - a short hike in a local state park - than the dress + studded boots combo would've been. :-)

First outfit:
Dress: Target, Converse
Scarf: Target, Mossimo (just bought it last week!)
Tights: Target (ugh)
Boots: 704b, via DSW
Earrings: Accidental Artists (Etsy link)

Second outfit:
Jeans: Lev's 518's
Tee: GAP outlet
Jacket: LLBean, fall 2008
Boots: Ariat, via Zappos
Earrings and Scarf: same as above

Friday, February 19, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 2/19/10

Sometimes, I don't brush my hair. Sometimes, despite having not brushed my hair, I feel cute.

Everything you've ever heard about Koreans chunking the deuce in photographs is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. My mother has been in the US for over 25 years and still sneaks it in from time to time. Something in our DNA, I'm telling you. Nothing in our DNA about a propensity to feel cute despite having not brushed one's hair, though. I'm defective.

Dress: Mossimo via Target
Tights: Target (Look! I got brown ones!)
Shoes: Camper via Nordstrom

Dear Kate

Guess what I am doing this weekend! NO, NOT THAT! NOPE, WRONG AGAIN! GUESSSSSS.

I am going thrifting! I felt especially lame and uninspired this week, so it is on. I have recruited my friend, Leah, to join me and to ensure that I buy at least a piece of jewelry. It's already the 19th, and I promised to thrift this month, so thrift, I will! I like commas.

I had a fun idea that I think would work super well given our different styles. I want to send you something - something that I don't think you would normally choose to wear, and challenge - yes, CHALLENGE - you to try it. No idea what it is, yet. Must brainstorm.

Thank you for being my cheerleader and always taking the time to point out what you like about my outfits, even if I sometimes have it all wrong and feel like I am a lost cause in the pursuit of style.

It's the weekend, cutie! Have fun!


Friday Favorites - 2/19/10

Jen's favorites:

"This is my ideal outfit and how I picture myself dressing if I knew what I was doing!

Would you be creeped out if I said that I find this sexy? If yes, stop reading. I find this sexy!

Me, too!

I am loving the sportcoat. Trying to imagine how I could pull one off.

I am OBSESSED with these. ME - the one who doesn't accessorize.

I want all of these. I want all of these. I want all of these. I want all of these."

Kate's favorites:
Beautiful colors, great inspiration, from blogfashion!

So simple and so pretty. I love this color palette from academichic!

Another academichic link - mock obi! (Must try this one...)

Speaking of belts, I LOVE SWF's layered belt idea!

Diana wears her Pi shawl beautifully, while I contemplate finally taking that project out of my queue and onto the needles...

Too cute. I want this!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 2/18/10

Aaaannnd I'm back! This is the first time that I've ever worn this dress. Truth be told, I have always been intimidated by it.

My friend, Sylvia, has the best style and this was a birthday gift she mailed to me. My birthday was in September, people. I have had this dress for some time, just hanging out in my closet, shooting the shit with my sweaters and shoes. After yesterday, I thought to myself that IT IS TIME TO BRANCH OUT, so I put this on and felt feminine and fancy all day.

Dress: Gift
Tights: HUE via Nordstrom Rack
Flats: Tory Burch via Nordstrom

Daily Outfit - Kate - 2/18/10

Still now sure how I feel about today's outfit, honestly. I think my opinion of it may be marred by my growing hatred of these body-segmenting tights. I also don't feel like the layers transitioned as it smoothly as the last time I tried this trick - I don't think it was as noticeable in person, but in photos you can definitely see the waistline of my skirt.

THAT SAID, I love the theory of this outfit - the plaid peeking out below the dress, the contrast between the prim dress vs the preppy plaid vs the rustic cowboy boots. And this dress? OMG LOVE IT SO MUCH. It fits me perfectly and I'm finally seeing the light re: empire waists. It's all about finding the *right* empire-waisted garment. Consider my eyes opened.

And also? The details on this dress are fabulous. I've always liked the fit and fabrics from BCBG, and I'm so happy to have found another piece that fit within my budget (hint: Nordstrom Rack price + 75% off clearance = gettin' there)

Oh, and the earrings were a totally impulse, last-minute decision as I was dashing out the door this morning, but I love how they worked. I adore them but don't wear them often enough because they're relatively large. But I love the style and the color just makes me happy in my heart whenever I see them. Plus they're incredibly lightweight and comfortable. They really should get rotated in more...

Dress: BCBG, via Nordstrom Rack
Skirt: F21
Tights: Target
Boots: Ariat, via Zappos
Earrings: Mamma mia
Bracelet: very old

The Spoils: Martin + Osa

I don't know how or why I found myself at a website I'd never visited before, but the other day I happened upon Martin + Osa. Amazingly, I'd stumbled across their website on the final day of their 20% off sale and free shipping offer (score!). So, I took a gamble, having only ever walked by their store, and ordered some goodies.

I looooooooove online order deliveries. Makes a bad day good and a good day even better.

Impressed! Martin + Osa's packaging is a far cry from my Old Navy clearance orders. ON THE REALS.


Dearies, please always remember to buy something (like this Classic V-Neck Sweater in Yellow Ochre) for your significant other when you shop online. It's only polite (and smart to cover your ass for spending the moniessss).

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger