I've recently discovered that with my shopping habit comes terrible consequences, such as running out of hangers. I cannot articulate how frustrating it is to not be able to hang my clothes up, and I know that sounds insane. It is insane, but that's how I roll.
Oh! And why is that I still can't seem to branch out and try fun new outfits? It feels as though my wardrobe has expanded, but I'm clearly wearing the same things day in and day out. Man, this fashion stuff is super hard.
I think I'm going to wear (relatively) fancy earrings, tomorrow. Maybe that will be a good pick-me-up. I'm also going to stalk you on Gchat, tomorrow. That will definitely be a good pick-me-up.
Awww I <3 Gchatting too! You make my bad days be less bad :-)
Please wear your coral skirt soon!
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