It wasn't a "SCREW YOU I'M OUTTA HERE" so much as a "I hope you understand...another opportunity...difficult decision... here's my two weeks' notice...". But still. Liberating and exciting but also sad and scary.
In times of trouble and strife, it is human nature to seek comfort in the familiar, to find guidance and strength through spiritual fulfillment.
So yesterday after work I hopped on my bike and headed to DSW.
What can I say? I'm a deeply spiritual being.
Nothing says "new beginning" like red peep-toe maryjanes, eh?
I'm not kidding when I say it wasn't an easy decision - I've poured a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into my current position. But sometimes circumstances are out of our control, and I've got to make the decision that is best for Jeff and me. This new opportunity will be really great, and I'm looking forward to a new environment and new responsibilities.
And hey - new shoes!
Now the only question is - should I wear these tomorrow, or save them for the first day at the new job?
(Cross-posted at KateOhKatie).
Those shoes...are fabulous.
Wear them tomorrow. Heck, wear them today!
Don't wait for the first day, because you want to make sure they're going to be comfortable. Think about it, you don't want to wear fresh shoes only to find out they're too slick on the floors of your new job and then you fall flat on your face.
Or find yourself walking around for hours being introduced to people and then have blisters on your feet because your shoes are new.
Congratulations on this new opportunity for you! I hope this brings you to bigger and better things and I'm glad you're feeling relief at having broken the news at your old job. That really is one of the hardest things to do, isn't it?
Good for you for making that difficult decision!
The shoes are gorgeous - nothing beats a red peep-toe mary jane.
I agree with Melissa -it's probably a good idea to break them in before you wear them at your new job. But you could always buy a new dress to debut on your first day :) I'm such an enabler.
Save them for the first day so you can feel totally fabulous. Save them so they aren't tainted with bitterness from the old job. I'm just superstitious.
Dear I Quit My Job Yesterday,
It sounds like you made a great decision. Besides - you must be a genius! You are one of our Shoe Lovers!
Since you are off to a great start in your new career, we thought we could share even more joy with you.
You need another pair of shoes to celebrate -- uh -- your first week on the job!
Email and we'll give you a coupon for another perfect pair. You have EARNED it!
Happy shoe shopping!
Kelly N. Cook
Marketing VP & Shoe Lover, DSW
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