Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday Favorites - 7/2/10

Jen's Favorites:

Does this help you understand why I want to wear jeans every day of my life! No? Well, I love jeans. I want to marry them.

I could look at pretty rooms and pretty furniture all day.

Kate's Favorites:

If fave-ing a friend's outfit is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

There are no words for how much I adore this skirt.

I'm gonna have to try this! Carrots make my hair orange (right?) so it should keep my skin nice and pale!

Skirts with pockets! What's not to love?

Sheer, utter adoration.

But not as much as this one.

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fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger