Monday, April 5, 2010

Dear Kate

How was your weekend, deary? Mine was pretty standard. Broke my foot, went to Houston, had brunch at my sister's place. The usual.

Really, though. I broke my freaking foot! What the heck! Now, I can no longer boast about my membership in the Never-Broke-a-Bone Club. Anyway, so this is obviously going to affect my outfits for the next couple of weeks. For the first time, I literally cannot wear jeans. Should be interesting because I don't own or wear much of anything else. Isn't it strange that I was attempting to be jean-free last week and now this? IT'S LIKE I KNEW I HAD TO PREPARE.

The best part: I was wearing flats when I ate shit and broke my foot. It's like I'm a genius.

I could not be luckier that you rock skirts like you do, because I'm really going to need the inspiration this week. I will also be needing 50% off Easter chocolate. Thank you.


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