Today was one of those days where I pretty much just ran around my bedroom grabbing random objects I <3, and throwing them on my body.
Luckily, it worked.
Ever have those days?
This picture would be great if I were ever running for PTA officer:
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), the dog park doesn't have a PTA. I'm in the clear, for now.
Cardigan: Target
Tee: Marshall's, like 40 million years ago
Jeanskirt: Levi's, from Goodys in Kirksville (hey same trip as that black polkadotted dress!)
Earrings: Mumsie
Ring: Booth at Maple Leaf, fall 2009
Scarf: Booth at the Gypsy Caravan, spring 2009
I love the colors in this outfit, and that scarf is gorgeous!
While we don't have wind issues too much in Florida, we have enough humidity to wreck havoc on even the most hair-sprayed hairdos.
DANGIT. I was totally going to compliment your hair haha
I'm digging this outfit, m'lady!
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