It makes me happy. (My roots, however, do not. MOM!!!!)
I think I'm a complete convert to the joys of full skirts. So preeeetty! And flooooofy!
An altogether happy and pretty outfit. I felt so nice all day! I also sort of liked how I combined colors here - I don't know much about color theory, but I sure do know how to look at a multicolored item and coordinate an outfit by pairing it with other items of those colors! :-D
Skirt: thrifted
Tee: GAP, eons ago
Cardigan: Sears, circa 2000
Flats: Michelle D (Dillards), 2006 or 2007
Ring: MacroSun
Earrings: gift
Necklace: vintage hand-me-down from Mom
great skirt!
Love the skirt, and I admire your ability to not feel ashamed to rock the white legs.
The skirt looks fantastic! That was definitely the day of awesome skirts for you.
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