I totally failed the self-restraint test, and I only returned one item, and it was only because Thao made me. She also helped me justify my J. Crew outlet purchase by admitting that she'd recently spent that amount on one item, so who's REALLY the bad guy, here? Enabler McEnablerson, I love you. Anyway, now the real test will be putting all these pieces together and creating actual outfits that actual people would wear. I say actual people, because actual people don't wear jeans and tees day-in and day-out like some people. Me people.
Right before I saw this dress, I begged Thao to not allow me to purchase ANYTHING else, since by then, I'd already bought the entire inventory at the J. Crew outlet. Notice how it hangs on my fence. At my house. I don't want to say that Thao failed, but I didn't steal this dress from BCBG Girls. (Did you know there is a BCBG Girls?)





And I really am telling you, you can buy as much shit as you want, as long as you buy something - anything - for your significant other.

I am SO in love with all of that! Adore every scrap. And I can't wait to see the awesome outfits you come up with! :-)
BTW, Jeff has lobster boxers. I bought them for him. They are cute. He rolled his eyes when I gave them to him, but now he loves them. TAKE THAT, lobsterboxerman! :-D
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