Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday Favorites - 6/26/10

Jen's Favorites:
Ugh. Pure class. I love it.

Well, this is a pretty ding dang dong adorable dress!

I wish Fifi was my stylist.

HELLO, gorgeousness^million.

I want Elaine's outfit and her face. WHAT. That's not at all creepy

Kate's Favorites:
I'm speechless. And also pretty sure I was born in the wrong era.

Further proof.

New-to-me blog, and I'm madly in love with this girl's style (especially this dress!) WOW.

I'm officially on the hunt for a modern analogue.

Marty Maraschino was my favorite too!

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fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger