Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 6/30/10

I have to confess that I didn't actually wear this today. Well, I did technically wear it... for the picture. I was sick this morning and didn't end up showering and getting dressed until about 8 PM. Oops.

Oh, and I have another confession. I immediately changed out of the above into this.

While I'm being honest, let me confess to changing out of these wedges into a pair of flat sandals. What! Being sick makes a person go crazy.

Dress: Loft
Cardigan: J. Crew
Tee: Old Navy
Shorts: J. Crew
Wedges: Target

Daily Outfit - Kate - 6/30/10

Today's outfit was decidedly uninspired:

And the picture is even worse.

But that's OK, because today was all about two new accessories. This:

Which I had custom-made at the super-awesome Central West End Art Fair a few weeks back (this is its bloggy debut, but not its life debut!).

And this:

Which is new, as of last night! :-)

...if ya think about it, tattoos are the ultimate accessory, aren't they? Permanent (well, pretty much), gorgeous, and personal. What better way to express yourself?

More info on the new ink is on my other blog, here, if you're interested.

Skirt: LLBean, superold, supercomfy
Cardi: Apostrophe by Sears, even older, even comfier
Tank: Target ($5 on sale this week, dudes! <3.)
Shoes: Michelle D by Dillards, super duper ooper old
Scarf: Plowsharing Crafts in the Loop
Necklace: artist at Central West End art fair
Earrings: MOM!
Tattoo: Nate at Allstar Tattoo

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 6/29/10

Despite the fact that I made the last minute decision to change into these jeans out of the dress that I'd originally planned to wear, I was pretty pumped about my outfit, today. I mean, not insanely excited or inspired or anything, but I was wearing a new fancy belt and getting my hair done during lunch. What's not to be excited about?

Then, I came out of my hair appointment to find that it was pouring rain, and I walked (Hey. Re-breaking my foot is kind of a paranoia, now.) to my car, went back to work, and wasn't particularly pumped anymore.

There's always tomorrow?

Cardigan: Tulle
Tank: Loft
Belt: J. Crew
Jeans: Martin + Osa
Wedges: Target
Dogs: Sebastian & Dimitri

Monday, June 28, 2010

Dear Jen

Usually I try and write my own thing rather than just responding to yours (or vice versa) but tonight all I have to say is:


Only, um...can we move Austin northward a bit? To somewhere it snows occasionally? That's my only tiny request.

If so, then HECK YEAH. We're on :-D


PS>I will be bringing with me a recipe for gooey butter cake. Be prepared.

The Spoils: J. Crew Outlet and BCBG Girls

I don't know how else to describe my shopping trip with Thao this weekend as anything other than insane. I cleaned house. I was out of control. I drank a $1 ice-blended from The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (what?). But I got some wonderful things. Wonderful things that make me feel like I kind of maybe sort of not really know what I'm doing.

I totally failed the self-restraint test, and I only returned one item, and it was only because Thao made me. She also helped me justify my J. Crew outlet purchase by admitting that she'd recently spent that amount on one item, so who's REALLY the bad guy, here? Enabler McEnablerson, I love you. Anyway, now the real test will be putting all these pieces together and creating actual outfits that actual people would wear. I say actual people, because actual people don't wear jeans and tees day-in and day-out like some people. Me people.

Right before I saw this dress, I begged Thao to not allow me to purchase ANYTHING else, since by then, I'd already bought the entire inventory at the J. Crew outlet. Notice how it hangs on my fence. At my house. I don't want to say that Thao failed, but I didn't steal this dress from BCBG Girls. (Did you know there is a BCBG Girls?)





And I really am telling you, you can buy as much shit as you want, as long as you buy something - anything - for your significant other.

Dear Kate

Let me get straight to the point. How can I convince you to move to Austin?

- doggy dates
- shopping dates
- baking dates
- movie dates
- knitting dates (I know I can't knit.)
- picnic dates

- We'd accomplish nothing, because we'd constantly be on dates.

What do you say!


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday Favorites - 6/26/10

Jen's Favorites:
Ugh. Pure class. I love it.

Well, this is a pretty ding dang dong adorable dress!

I wish Fifi was my stylist.

HELLO, gorgeousness^million.

I want Elaine's outfit and her face. WHAT. That's not at all creepy

Kate's Favorites:
I'm speechless. And also pretty sure I was born in the wrong era.

Further proof.

New-to-me blog, and I'm madly in love with this girl's style (especially this dress!) WOW.

I'm officially on the hunt for a modern analogue.

Marty Maraschino was my favorite too!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 6/25/10

It's Friday, and I managed to successfully wear something other than a v-neck tee and skinny jeans. I did still somehow manage to wear denim in the form of a skirt, though. IT'S LIKE A DISEASE, PEOPLE. What is wrong with me.

Top: H&M
Skirt: Old Navy
Sandals: Nordstrom (their boutique line)

Daily Outfit - Jen - 6/24/10

Contrary to what the rest of my outfits from this week may have led you to believe, I am a working professional and not a college student. Surprise! Do you want to hear something disturbing? I somehow actually dressed even WORSE as a student. One semester my freshman year, my first class was on the same floor as my dorm room, and I would be lying if I said I never rolled out of bed and went to class in my PJs.

That was also the year that my roommate and I would listen to the Fools Rush In soundtrack in the mornings to get pumped up for 8 AM classes. We skipped class a lot.

Cardigan: Newport News
Blouse: Ann Taylor Loft
Belt: J. Crew
Skirt: Old Navy
Heels: Nine West

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Daily Outfit - Kate - 6/24/10

I have banished Stumpy McStumperson! And changed my name to Longleggy McLongleggyson.


I really enjoyed this black + brown + greenishblue color combo.

I think "making a neutral look like a non-neutral" may be my favorite new game.

Buttondown: LLBean
Cami: thrifted
Skirt: GAP
Necklace + earrings: mumsie
Flats: Born, 2008

Daily Outfit - Kate - 6/22/10



Seriously. Or else change your name to Stumpy McStumperson.

On a completely different note, though - how cute is this fake Obi belt?

AKA a scarf that I got on clearance at Old Navy or something probably, a long long time ago.

Stumpy McStumperson is sorry she looked like a bum on Tuesday :-(

Shirt: Sears, 2008
Skirt: Old Navy
Belt/scarf: who knows?
Flats: Born, 2008
Necklace: no freaking idea
Earrings: your mom. mom.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 6/23/10

Look familiar? Not at all? You're my best friend.

Cardigan: Tulle
Tanks: Old Navy (clearance!)
Jeans: Martin & Osa
Wedges: Target

Daily Outfit - Jen - 6/22/10

Not only is my posture crazy, but how insane is it that I insist upon wearing jeans in this weather? And by "this weather," I mean "hell," because holy crap the highs are already in the 90s. What is wrong with me!

Cardigan: H&M (Seoul)
Tank: Target
Jeans: Nordstrom Rack
Sandals: Steve Madden
Necklace: catbird

Monday, June 21, 2010

Dear Jen

It itches! It itches!

"What itches, dear Kate?" you may ask.

Well, I'll tell you.


I am quite eager to have the $$ for a new (thrifted) outfit or two, and maybe those Keens I blogged about the other day, but I've made my bed (bike-wise) and now I must lie in it. Err..roll on it. Whatever. You know what I mean. It's all about priorities, though. And right now my priorities lie beyond new pretties - and I'm glad I have that choice at all, don't get me wrong. But can ya blame a girl for wishing she had an estranged rich uncle who'd kick the bucket? :-P

Moral of the story is, I wish I were a millionaire. Or at least a hundredsofthousandsaire. I also hope that all five of my uncles (none of whom are rich, to my knowledge) remain in good health for a long time yet.

Wanna help me pick some lottery numbers? :-D


Daily Outfit - Kate - 6/21/10

If you think I look unusually fresh and lively today, there's a reason.

You see, it was nearly 100* in St. Louis today, and I suspected (rightly so) that two bike rides in these surface-of-the-sun temperatures would place my skin tone somewhere past "healthy glow" and into "disgusting" territory. And let's not even talk about the bicycle grease on the leg, or the sweaty pits or the limp hair. Let's just...NOT.

So anyway. I took my outfit pictures before work today. Craziness, I know!

I'm all the time thinking, "Why don't I wear these shoes?" And then about twice a year I pull them out and put them on and within 5 minutes say "OH. THAT'S WHY."

Skirt: Marshall's, 2005
Tee: GAP outlet, summer 2008(?)
Cardigan: Target, Spring 2009
Wedges: Payless, circa 2004
Ring: booth at Maple Leaf
Earrings: MOM

Daily Outfit - Jen - 6/21/10

Sometimes, I forget how much I love wearing red. I LOVE WEARING RED.

Top: Old Navy (clearance!)
Jeans: Martin + Osa
Wedges: Target
Necklace: Thrifted

Dear Kate

You already know that I adore you, but now, I would like to declare to the whole wide (web) world that I think you're the bomb-diggity.

Hey! World! Do you know what Kate did? I was on my way home last Tuesday, doing my thoia-thang (as Jarod would say), when I checked the mail like usual. On that day, however, my mailbox was holding a very special surprise from a very special lady.

It's too beautiful for words. Thank you so, so very much.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Daily Outfit - Kate - 6/19/10

Saturday bonus post! This is what I wore for a leisurely afternoon of Starbucks-ing and Loop wandering and book- and movie-buying with my love.

Headscarves and ponytails and comfy knits and floaty skirts = SUPREME COMFORT.

And this is me with no makeup at all - decided to give my pores a rest for the day. Makeup-less Kate shouldn't be much of a surprise since me with makeup isn't even all that drastically different. I usually keep it light anyway :-)

New Byzantine chain earrings from last weekend's shopping adventure! Love the deep blue color :-)

Tee: Target
Skirt: thrifted, originally Delia's
Sandals: Privo, summer 2009
Headscarf: really old; don't remember
Earrings: some shop on the Loop
Bracelets: really old; don't remember

Closet Craving - TOMS Calypso Wedges

TOMS Calypso Wedges - black, $69

Holy cow I love these. But they're only available in a size 11 now, and it doesn't seem that they'll be restocking the smaller sizes. Boo. :-(

I adore TOMS' mission - providing shoes for kids in need, and this is the first pair of their shoes which I've really liked well enough to actually buy. Hopefully more similar styles are on the way!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 6/18/10

I wanted to wear a skirt today, but I didn't want to shave my legs. Sue me. Also, my toes totally look like vienna sausages in these sandals!

I was so pumped about the weekend that I couldn't even wait until after these photos to eat my chocolate. Please excuse my atrocious manners (and my outfits, this week).

Cardigan: Thursday Island (Korea)
Tank: Gap
Jeans: Nordstrom Rack
Sandals: Tory Burch via Nordstrom
Necklace: Gift
Chocolate: Caramello

Friday Favorites - 6/18/10

Jen's Favorites:

I hate being a groupie, but I just freaking love everything Kendi wears.

Before I die, I would really like to see Jarod in something like this. Please.

Kate knocking it out of the ballpark. GET IT? KNOCK-OUT. THANKS.

Kate's Favorites:

Zoya nail polish exchange - supercool! (thanks, Diana!)

Love 'em all! Great list, Sal!

WOW - amazing dress. SOOOOO Miz Frizzle!

If I were alive in 1869...

It's my awesome non-style link o' the week! KITTEHS!

Daily Outfit - Kate - 6/18/10

FRIDAY!!!! I'm so glad to see you! I thought you'd never get here!

Let's be in love forever.

I'm realizing only now that the unifying theme of this outfit is "ridiculously old". I've had the overshirt since I was about 13 or 14 (it was one of my first "grown up" shirts!), the tee since 2006ish, and the skirt since 2007. Same for the shoes. OLD OLD OLD OLD OLD.

That makes me happy :-)

Shirt: WalMart, circa 1999ish?
Tee: garage sale, circa 2006
Skirt: Levi's, from Goody's, 2007
Shoes: Dillards, 2007ish
Cuff: Fair Ophelia designs, Strange Folk Festival 2009
Earrings: mumsie

Closet Craving: Keen Paulina maryjane

$76.50; Zappos

Would you believe I haven't bought any new shoes since *January*??? So once I've got the funds, I think these must become mine!

I love how they're skirt-able and sorta sporty but also fine for a typical casual workday. I love the orangey brown shade, and think they would be great with practically everything in my closet! :-D

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 6/17/10

Nope! Wasn't kidding about the manual labor! Still wore jewelry, though. Gotta keep it classy.

Tank: Old Navy
Jeans: Nordstrom Rack
Tennis shoes: Saucony
Necklace: catbird
fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger