Monday, May 31, 2010

Dear Kate

The whole 3-day weekend thing totally threw me off, and I almost forgot that today is Monday! How was your weekend? Mine consisted of supervising Jarod while he replaced our outlets and switches, buying a Hibiscus plant, stuffing my face, and a last minute shopping trip (hooray!).

Look at this super cute dress that I tried on! Of course, I bought it. I had to! Sometimes when I get pretty new things, I want the debut to be so perfect that I end up putting it off, but not.this.time. I plan to wear it tomorrow, and I hope I do it justice, because MAN IT IS CUTE.

You know what else is cute? YOU!


1 comment:

Kate said...

I'd have been mad if you DIDN'T buy that dress - it's too adorable! Awesome find :-)

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger