Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dear Kate

I am here! Well, kind of. Physically, I'm back. Mentally... eh, notsomuch. Jet-lag is a little biatch!

It is summer, here. It is hot. I got those blazers, and now it's too hot to wear them. DANG. Oh, and I want to wear my cute Target sandals, but I'm supposed to be wearing that ugly boot... but I haven't, so I'm wearing tennis shoes and flats. Tomorrow is my x-ray! Tomorrow, the doc is going to say YOU ARE HEALED! YOU CAN DRIVE! YOU CAN WEAR PLATFORMS! AND FLY!

My exhaustion is manifesting itself in the form of crazy rambling. Thanks for putting up with me.

Missed you! Glad to be back!


1 comment:

Kate said...

Hey I'll send ya some of the cool rainy weather we've been having here in StL - I'd hate for your lovely blazers to go unworn and unloved!

Also, if you can fly after having a broken foot...think I should break my foot? :-D

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger