Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 8/17/10

Soooo. I'd lovingly been referencing last week as the "week of poo," and on Friday, I thought that the week of poo was officially over. That's until this morning around 5 AM when my olfactory sense AWOKE ME FROM MY SLEEP to let me know that I'd transitioned from last week's figurative week of poo to this week's literal week of poo.

Obviously, my plans to be fancier this week are being thwarted by... who knows? What have I ever done to anybody!

So I wore earrings, today. There. Fancy. Thank you.

Tee: Old Navy
Jeans: No idea
Earrings: No idea circa 2004


Kate said...

And what gorgeous earrings those are! :-)

(BTW - thepoo: EWWWWWWWWWW I'm so sorry. Is puppy feeling better now at least?)

Alissa said...

Hahahaha. The poooooooo.

Those are nice jeans...I like the wash.

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger