Monday, March 29, 2010

Dear Kate

How was your weekend? I ended up pulling weeds. And weed-pulling requires gardening gloves. Check out the ones that Jarod picked out for me!

I was pretty impressed that he actually selected something relatively feminine, but according to him, they were "the only ones that said 'ladies' gardening gloves.'" Be that as it may, he still deserves a pat on the back, don't you think? At the very least for walking in to a home improvement store solely to purchase ladies' gardening gloves, right?

What else? Oh! I am officially in the market for a new camera. My (insanely talented photographer) friend, Leah, is doing everything to make sure that I follow through with this purchase. She remarked that my Two Closets pictures would improve and that my learning to take better pictures would be "FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY" - I'm thinking the upgrade is seriously needed.

Do you feel that you have any gaps in your wardrobe? I've been following Diana's Great Shopping Plan of 2010, and she totally shops with purpose, whereas I (rather stupidly) approach my shopping with OH THAT'S CUTE I SHOULD BUY IT. I would really like to compile a list of gaps in my wardrobe like she did and to start shopping to fill them! Ugh. It sounds like such a daunting task, though. I mean, the whole point of Two Closets is to learn, so how am I honestly supposed to know what the gaps even are! I could use a little (a lot) of help.

Can't wait to see your outfits, this week! I am looking forward to seeing more spring fashions from you.


1 comment:

Diana said...

Thanks for the mention!

Weed pulling is one of my least favorite things ever - I totally did not inherit my mom's green thumb. I love to have beautiful flowers and vegetables, but I never get around to putting any work into it.

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