Friday, March 12, 2010

Daily Outfit - Jen - 3/11/10

SO. Once upon a time, I bought a pretty cute scarf from a store called Delia*s at the mall. It's a pretty print, so I thought to myself, "why not try some of their other stuff?" So, I get online, pick out a few things, receive everything, and am ultimately pretty bummed.

This blouse is the first thing that I wore. It is SO pretty online. Isn't it? ISN'T IT? But when I opened the plastic bag and felt the gross fabric, I was admittedly, disappointed. But hey, it was $9.99 and not worth the hassle of returning.

Then. THEN, I wore it to work. I have never in my life worn a more uncomfortable article of clothing. For some reason, beyond the reach of my resourceful and logical brain, this blouse was made with an elastic band around the mid-section. "At the bottom of your waist?" you ask. NAY. "Empire-waisted?" you ask. NAY, again, I say. No - around your freaking stomach. Every.single.time that you stand up, sit down, move, or even breathe, you will need to readjust this blouse. And it sucks. My sister will be inheriting it in the near future, just as soon as she does something worthy of punishment.

Cardigan: Newport News
Blouse: Delia*s
Belt: J. Crew
Jeans: Nordstrom
Flats: Steve Madden

1 comment:

thao said...

I like the floral print. You look lovely!

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