Friday, January 29, 2010

Dear Kate

I loved this week. It is so ding dang dong exciting that we came out of our closets to everyone.

Your shoe inventory was especially humbling to me. It inspired me to purge my meager shoe collection, because, let's face it... I'm not going to wear those white heels that I bought for my sorority initiation ever again. And my Uggs? I know. I know it's a problem.

I felt so fancy when I tried the new scarf tie you linked. Did I look fancy? Don't answer that. It was totally fancy.

Oh! And I cannot (NOPE! I CAN'T!) wait to reveal that secret thing you secretly emailed me about today. You know the one. In that secret email.

Have a spectacular weekend, babycakes.


1 comment:

Alissa said...

I love my uggs. not ashamed. nope.

fashion, blog, fashionista, clothes, shoes, designer, closet, style, blogger