In honor of the last day of work 'till 2011, today I am an elf:

And a very convincing one at that, I'd wager. make this post at least marginally outfit-y - I love this color combo! Assorted blues + whites + greys + blacks. It feels very natural and comfortable. Which makes me wonder how much of an impact color has on an outfit, in general? Do you feel energized in red and orange, calm in yellow and green, or contented in blue? Maybe that would be a good way to give myself a pick-me-up in those long dark days of January.
Oh! And also! Since we had a half-day at work today and I had the whole afternoon to kill, I decided to go and get my nose re-pierced:

It's got a tiny purple stone, and I <3 it a million.
I had my nose pierced a few years ago, but then on our wedding day in May 2007 I took it out, and that night when I tried to put it back in it had already closed up. I thought the beginning of a long break would be a good time to get it re-done, so my work people don't have to see the crusty bloody bit. It's so subtle, though, that once it heals I wonder how long it will take people to notice? :-)
Cardi: Old Navy
Tee: Old Navy
Skirt: GAP
Tights: Target
Boots: Born
Shawl-as-scarf: MEEE!!
Earrings: Mom