Help me, girlies.
This is what I wore today:

Accessories and meeeee:

Not so great, is it?
Only thing is, I can't quite put my finger on it. I partially think it's a case of "throw together a bunch of random pieces that I all love individually"-itis, but that's not quite it, either. I think the main problem - please I'd love your input on this - is that I have about 3 or 4 outfits all trying to happen at once.
I *love* this shirt, and it's the first time I've worn it since I thrifted it a couple months ago. I've styled it about a billiion different ways in my mind, so I think when I got dressed this morning I forgot which way I was shooting for *today*. Shirt + belt? CUTE. Shirt + necklace? CUTE. Shirt + earrings? CUTE. Shirt + skirt? meh. Shirt + shoes? OK whatever. Shirt + belt + necklace + earrings + skirt + shoes? FAIL.
So how could I have fixed this? For the winning Shirt + belt + necklace combination, I think I should've worn my burgundy tulip skirt, and maybe my patterned brown tights instead of these (saggy itchy gross) ones. Shoes can stay just because they're my only brown comfy heels.
Or I could've worn another necklace - one of my silver/gunmetal ones - and smaller earrings. And I could've stacked on a bunch of bracelets, and worn my denim pencil skirt and black tights and grey maryjanes, and no belt. That would've worked too.
OR I could've worn the shirt with my new skinny green belt and my simple brown skirt and some new blue tights that you haven't seen yet and my blue copper necklace and the earrings pictured and I could get some other brown heels (maybe some that are dressier/less clunky looking?). Or green flats, if I had any.
*OR* I could've worn the shirt with that awesome new teal skirt, and worn a red scarf like a wrap belt and worn no tights and some black flats (which I don't yet own, but that's neither here nor there).
There are lots of awesome things I could've done with this outfit (err...shirt) and I tried to do them all at once and failed. Lesson learned.
Just goes to show - I have a *long* way to go.

Shirt: thrifted, originally Benetton
Belt: Urban Outfitters ($9.99 on clearance!)
Skirt: thrifted, originally George
Tights: old and icky
Shoes: Softspots "Bronte", summer (?) 2009
Earrings and necklace: mom